Club Penguin Merchandise

Club Penguin has a lot of merchandise (real-life accessories), such as: clothes, toys, bags, puzzles, beanbags. Club Penguin merchandise could be purchased from Club Penguin’s online store, or from retailers (stores – Asda, Argos, Tesco), however, Club Penguin merchandise are now pretty rare to find, since Club Penguin stopped producing them.

Puffle Plushes

Puffles plushes released, when Club Penguin’s merchandise began. These plushes are of puffles that occur in the game (example: green puffle, blue puffle, red puffle), and they have soft hair (troll-like hair), and they have a plush body.


  • There aren’t any rainbow puffle, gold puffle, or puffle creature plushes released yet.
  • The white puffle plush is smaller than the other puffle plushes, this is a reference to the white puffle’s size in the game.
  • Hats were added to the puffle plushes in 2011/2012.
  • Each puffle plush comes with a coin code.

Limited Edition Penguins (Plushes)

Limited edition penguins are based on the penguins that live on the frosty island of Club Penguin. They were produced by Jakks Pacific – an American company that designs and markets toys.


  • The first time these penguin plushes were found on the internet was on Amazon in August, 2008.
  • Each penguin plush comes with a coin code.
  • You could take their clothes off, but not the clothes that are actually stuck to the plush.
  • If you unlocked 5 toy codes in a row, you could access the the secret page of in the Treasure Book, that contained 4 items.

Mix ‘N Match Figures

Jakks Pacific also designed a series of 2 inch Mix ‘N Match figures based on the penguins that live on the frosty island of Club Penguin. Each pack comes with two figures, a coin that has a code on it, and an item. Each figure has a head, body and bottom that could come off – this is so that you could mix it with other Mix ‘N Match figures.


  • There were rumours of a Headquarters playset (HQ Playset) with Aunt Arctic, however, it was never released.
  • In Argos (retailer in the United Kingdom) catalogues, there was pictures of an unreleased Series 12 pack, which included Aunt Arctic, Blue Hockey Player and Figure Skater, Ringmaster and Scarecrow, Iron Knight and Princess, and EPF Delta.
  • Most of the mascot figures aren’t Mix N’ Match.
  • There was going to be a fifth set in Series 10, which included a penguin with the Tree Costume, a Reindeer penguin, a present, and a Christmas tree. However, it never released.


There is a wide variety of Club Penguin clothing, such as: hats, hoodies, shirts, and even shoes.

Trading Cards

Club Penguin trading cards are trading cards that are based on Card-Jitsu (a mini-game in Club Penguin, where penguins battle others to become an ultimate ninja) that unlock rare Card-Jitsu cards in-game. These cards were released on November 17, 2008 (same day as the release of the Card-Jitsu game).You cannot use the given codes to unlock something from the Treasure Book, since the codes are for Card-Jitsu (the code is at the back of the card).

If you get a normal trading card, you’ll unlock 4 in-game cards that you could use for a Card-Jitsu battle. If you get a golden trading card, you’ll unlock 6 in-game cards. There are 246 cards to collect, will you be a collector, and go on a hunt to find all the rare trading cards?


  • There are 110 trading cards in Series 1.
  • There are 68 trading cards in Series 2.
  • The cards are commonly sold in the United States of America.
  • There is a rare, gold card that is very hard to find.

Video Games

Disney produced a couple of video-games of Club Penguin that were actually pretty successful, such as: Herbert’s Revenge for the Nintendo DS, Elite Penguin Force for the Nintendo DS, and Game Day for the Nintendo Wii.


  • Dot’s first appearance was in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force.
  • The Puffle Training Room that is a mystery, appeared in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force.
  • A reference to RocketSnail (Rsnail), former Club Penguin employer, is made when Jet Pack Guy says, “Faster than a snail tied to a rocket!” in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force.
  • A reference is made to Pixar Animation Studios in the HQ. If you touch the lamp on the desk, it bounces like Luxo Jr., the lamp in the Pixar logo that is shown in the introduction to a Pixar movie in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force.